Was ist auto iris
Types of iris control - CCTV ServicesCCTV Services
When you press the auto iris button with a lens attached that supports it, the camera will try to find the best iris setting for the overall exposure. If you have the lens wide open already the auto iris will not be able to increase the amount of light let into the camera.The Impact And Importance of Auto Iris in Projectors: An In What is Auto Iris on a Projector? The term 'auto iris' might seem complex, but it's a simple concept when you break it down. It's a distinctive feature present in most contemporary projectors used for modulating the brightness of projected images. Here's a quick snapshot of what Auto Iris entails.
How Important are Auto Iris and Wide Dynamic Range in CCTV? In this article, we’ll talk about two of those ways: the auto iris feature and wide dynamic range. The main difference between the two is how they handle and account for changes in light that a security camera encounters. The auto-iris feature, as you may have assumed, acts like your own eye’s iris.
Lens Iris Tutorial - IPVM Eine Auto Iris (auf Deutsch: automatische Blende, Automatikblende) ist motorisiert, so dass sie die Blende im Laufe des Tages automatisch an das wechselnde Licht anpassen kann. Die Möglichkeit, die Irisöffnung einer Kamera zu steuern, spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Bildqualität.